25 Sep, 20 Flu clinics!
Upcoming flu clinicals: October 1, 2-6 (Thursday) October 7, 2-6 (Wednesday) October 10, 9-12 (Saturday) Call today to schedule! We will also vaccinate parents for a fee of $25.00 when you come to the clinic with your child.
28 Aug, 20 Update on Rainbow Pediatrics appointments, live vs. telemedicine
* Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to offer walk in hours for an undetermined amount of time. The safety and wellbeing of our patients, families, and staff are of the upmost importance to us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please call our office if you need a 'same day' appointment and we will schedule one for that day whether it be a telemedicine, parking lot, or inhouse visit. We want to assure you that we are available to give care.
* We are now seeing children/adolescents of any age in the office for well care if they are due for any vaccines. Patients should be accompanied by only 1 healthy parent/guardian. Covid-19 screening will be done the day before the appointment when making reminder calls and also the day of your appointment via phone from your car when you arrive for your appointment.
* Well care for children/adolescents who are not due for vaccines can be done via telemedicine. The screening forms for the well visit will be attached to the email we will send you, with a link to a virtual exam room where you will join the provider the day of your appointment. We ask that you fill the screening forms out and email them back well before your appointment so the provider can review them prior to your visit. If you are unable to fill them out and email them back, we ask that you call our office the day before or the morning of your appointment and a nurse will assist you over the phone and fill them out with you.
* We can also schedule acute visits as well as behavioral health (ADHD, ADD, depression/anxiety) visits for medication management via telemedicine. If your visit requires screening fomrs, again we ask that you please send them back to us prior to your visit or call and a nurse will assist you over the phone and fill them out with you.
* Our office-based clinician and dietitian are also available to schedule a visit either by phone or telemedicine.
11 Aug, 20 Did you know…....
We offer routine and urgent care outside of our regular business hours? We share weekend call (every weekend) for urgent care with Porter Pediatrics, and we offer routine care (non urgent) 1 weekend each month here at Rainbow Pediatrics!
22 Apr, 20 Discipline looks different in a pandemic
Click on the following link to read the New York Times article from 4/17/2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/17/parenting/coronavirus-discipline-child.html?referringSource=articleShare
06 Mar, 20 Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
And we need your help to keep our community healthy! If you or your child has a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please call us before coming into the clinic so that we can properly prepare to screen and treat your child.
Additionally, please tell us if your child has had contact with anyone who was diagnosed with coronavirus or if you traveled to any of the following countries in the past 14 days: China, Iran, Italy, Japan, or South Korea.
It is important to remember that this does not mean that you have or will have coronavirus, but it helps us take extra precautions, like asking your child to wear a mask.
While the threat of coronavirus may be concerning, most of the cases are mild, and you can take several steps to keep you and your loved ones healthy:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water is not available
- Cough and sneeze into your sleeve rather than your hand
- Stay home when sick, unless you are concerned that you need to be evaluated by a healthcare provider
- Avoid close contact with other people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects (like your cell phone) and surfaces using a household cleaning spray or wipe
Please see the CDC website for an FAQ on coronavirus and children: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/children-faq.html.
25 Jul, 19 A Message from Dr. Kate McIntosh
It is with decidedly mixed emotions that I will be retiring from my practice effective July 31st, 2019. This has been a very difficult decision for me. I have been offered an opportunity to work with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont. This transition into administration, gives me a tremendous opportunity, but it is extremely hard to leave my patients behind after 15 years at Rainbow and 22 years of practice. Because it is so important to make sure that every patient and family receives the highest quality transition, I will continue to be at Rainbow on Fridays to teach, mentor, and to be available for consults as needed to ensure continuity of care. With my departure, Rainbow Pediatrics welcomes Gussie Belisle & Dayna Stimson, both board certified Nurse Practitioners, who will provide continued care for you. Rainbow Pediatrics remains both strong and innovative and is moving into an exciting new chapter which is bringing new opportunities for the practice and for our patients. It is very bittersweet to be transitioning out just as so many exciting things are happening, especially with all the fresh ideas and energy within the practice. I hope that you will enjoy the new developments as much as I think you will. I will miss seeing you, and watching you and your children grow and change, and I wish you all the best.
21 May, 18 Physical Exam
Just a friendly reminder with summer on it's way, there becomes an increased need for physical exams! We want to see everyone once a year but these well visits are especially important for kindergartners, summer camp attendees, college entrance, and fall sports participants among others. Please call to schedule as soon as possible as these appointments fill up rather quickly!
05 May, 18 Ticks and Lyme Disease
Warm weather is arriving, which means that tick season is starting. Lyme disease is spread by deer ticks, which are found in our area. Deer ticks live in grassy, wooded, brushy areas and can be very small (see picture below). Ticks typically must be attached for 36 hours or longer to spread lyme disease; promptly removing ticks can prevent infection. Lyme disease can affect your skin, heart, nerves, and joints. Lyme disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics. However, not all tick bites require antibiotics. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Infectious Disease Society of America, and the Centers for Disease Control issue guidelines as to when treat tick bites that we follow closely so that children are not exposed to unnecessary antibiotics.
After a tick has been attached and removed, a person often experiences redness where the tick was attached. This is from the tick's saliva while it was attached and is a normal reaction. It can be compared to when a person gets bitten by a deer fly and has a large red area where the fly bite occurred.
Read below for tips, from the Vermont Department of Health, that can help you deal ticks:
While outdoors
As much as possible, avoid high grass and bushy areas; stay on hiking trails.
Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts to minimize skin exposure to ticks.
Tuck your pants into your socks to form a barrier to tick attachment.
Wear light-colored clothing to help see ticks on your clothing.
Check for ticks, looking particularly for what may look like nothing more than a new freckle or speck of dirt, and remove ticks promptly (see below).
Use an effective tick repellent on your skin or on your clothing. There are several repellents that are effective against ticks. Repellents should not be used on infants under 2 months of age. Read the label carefully and use according to the recommendations.
Permethrin is an insecticide that can be applied to clothing or gear. If you spend a lot of time in tick habitat, wearing permethrin-treated clothing can be very effective at reducing your exposure to ticks.
Take extra precautions in May, June, and July as this is when most tick bites can occur.
After you come inside
Check your or your child’s body for ticks, and remove them promptly. Pay special attention to the head, armpits, and groin area.
Showering within a few hours of being outside may also be helpful.
The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to prevent tick bites.
It is okay if the tick's head is not removed. Lyme disease is contained in the tick's stomach. As long as the body is removed from the head, lyme disease cannot be transmitted. If the head is not removed, a person's body will expel the head in a few days.
We also have Tick Twisters, a safe and easy tick removal tool, available for sale at the office. Please ask any member of the Rainbow team about purchasing one if you are interested.
For more information on Lyme Disease and how to prevent it, please visit the Vermont Department of Health and the AAP Healthy Children website
Image credits: Vermont Department of Health
12 Apr, 17 After hours and weekend call service
We use a pediatric after-hours triage service. This service is called Nurse Telephone Triage Service (NTTS) and uses experienced registered nurses to answer after-hours and weekend calls. To access this service, call our office number, 802-388-1338 and you will be transferred to the NTTS. They will provide timely clinical advice and treatment plans based on a patient's symptoms. A record of all calls is sent to Rainbow Pediatrics so that our providers can follow up with patients. This service is utilized by pediatric offices across the country. Please know that if you wish to speak directly with the on call provider, you may do so by requesting this when you speak with a nurse from NTTS. We partner with Middlebury Pediatrics to provide 24/7 call coverage. Both of our practices use this after hours triage service. Acute visits are available on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please call at 8:00 and the receptionist will schedule your child and let you know which office is providing care. If you have any questions or concerns, your feedback is valued and appreciated.
12 Apr, 17 Patient Portal
Have you signed up for our Patient Portal? You will be able to communicate securely with our office anytime that is convenient for you. Through the Portal, you can request non-urgent appointments, medication refills, have access to medical information, message nurses and providers, and much more! Please click on the "contact" tab on this website, and request (through email, phone, or fax) that we invite you to join our Patient Portal. A representative from our office will contact you within 2 business days.