14 Oct, 13 Medical Ear Piercing
Rainbow Pediatrics wants to help you make safe decisions when it coms to your little ones and older children alike. We often treat infected ear lobes on patients who get their ears pierced elsewhere. That's why we are now offering Medical Ear Piercing - a sterile procedure that minimizes risk of infection. This method of piercing ears uses only titanium and medical plastic to avoid nickel allergy or irritation. Does your child want their ears pierced? Who more would you trust to pierce their ears than your pediatrician! Call us today for more information or to make an appointment - 388-1338.
01 May, 13 Immunization Resources
Immunization information and resources are be located under the Current Patients tab, located on the bottom left-hand side of the page.
15 Jan, 13 Child and Adolescent Health Library
Please be sure to check out the Child & Adolescent Health Library tab on the bottom right hand side of the webpage. This page contains a wealth of information regarding common complaints and health and wellness issues.
14 Nov, 12 Vermont Department of Health - Health and Safety Alerts, Advisories & Recalls
Click the link below to access the Vermont Department of Health's Health and Safety Alerts, Advisories & Recalls webpage. Here you will find up to date information regarding health alerts and advisories, food safety, and product recalls.
16 Jun, 12 Patient Centered Medical Home
We have now become a Level III Patient Centered Medical Home. This is the highest level Medical Home recognized by the State of Vermont and the US Government. Being a Patient Centered Medical Home will help us add services to our practice and also allow better access to the services available in the community for our patients and their families. Stay tuned for more details.